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Population growth is reported by the U.S. Census Bureau by city from 1990 through an estimate for 2016.

Greenville, South Carolina and Olympia, Washington rank #1 among our 99 top retirement cities with 20% population growth from 2000-2016. For ranking purposes, a moderate level of growth is preferable to too much or too little growth.

Population Change
2000 - 2016
  % Change 2016         2016 GPTR
City/Town 2000-2016 (est.) 2010 2000 1990 Metro Area/County (est.) Rank
Newport Beach, CA 23.8% 86,688 85,186 70,032 66,643 Orange county 3,172,532 15
Athens, GA 23.0% 123,371 115,452 100,266 na Athens/Clarke county metro 205,290 14
Lynchburg, VA 22.9% 80,212 75,568 65,269 66,049 Lynchburg City 80,212 13
Bloomington, IN 21.9% 84,465 80,405 69,291 60,633 Bloomington metro 166,336 12
Vancouver, WA 21.8% 174,826 161,791 143,560 46,380 Portland/Vancouver metro 2,424,955 10
Wenatchee, WA 21.8% 33,921 31,925 27,856 21,756 Chelan county 76,338 10
Chapel Hill, NC 21.6% 59,246 57,233 48,715 38,719 Orange county 141,796 9
Middleton, WI 21.2% 19,109 17,442 15,770 13,289 Madison metro 648,929 5
Vail, CO 21.0% 5,483 5,305 4,531 3,659 Eagle county 53,989 4
Greenville, SC 20.4% 67,453 58,409 56,002 58,282 Greenville county 498,766 1
Olympia, WA 20.4% 51,202 46,478 42,514 33,840 Thurston county 275,222 1
Boise, ID 20.1% 223,154 205,671 185,787 125,738 Ada county 444,028 3
Hilton Head, SC 19.6% 40,500 37,099 33,862 23,694 Beaufort county 183,149 5
Iowa City, IA 19.6% 74,398 67,862 62,220 59,738 Johnson county 146,547 5
Casper, WY 19.5% 59,324 55,316 49,644 46,742 Natrona county 81,039 8
GPTR Rank = Moderate growth is better (Moderate defined as median of "% Change 2000-2016")
                        Negative change ranks lowest

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