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San Marcos Lifestyle Facts

Medical, Crime, Diversity and more

San Marcos Medical Care
Hospital/Medical Center City Distance from City Accredited - Medicare.gov or JCAHO GPTR 99 City
Central Texas Medical Center San Marcos In the city Yes 4 accredited hospitals within 10 miles of city
SRP Ocean's Hospital of San Marcos San Marcos In the city Yes

San Marcos
Distance to Nearest Large City
(pop. > 200,000)
30 miles  to Austin GPTR 99 City Average
72 miles

San Marcos
Demographics (2010)
. . 99 City Avg
White 78.5% 80.7%
Black 5.5% 7.2%
Native American 0.9% 0.8%
Asian 1.6% 3.6%
Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander 0.1% 0.2%
Other 10.4% 4.4%
Multiple Races 3.1% 3.0%
Hispanic (of any race) 37.8% 11.6%

San Marcos
Median Age (2010)
23 years GPTR 99 City Average
37 years

San Marcos
Family Income & Housing
. . 99 City Average
Total Housing Units 18,179 32,601
Occupied Housing Units 94% 83%
Vacant Housing Units (seasonal or recreational use) 6% 17%
Home Ownership Rate 26% 55%
Median Family Income $50,443 $69,596
Average Family Size 3.00 2.90

San Marcos
Population Density
(2016 est.)
. . 99 City Avg
Land Area (sq mi) 30 36
People Per Square Mile 2,066 2,151

San Marcos Crime
(crimes per 10,000 population)
. Total Crimes Violent Crimes Property Crimes
2017 265 34 231
2016 346 35 311
2015 320 34 286
2014 342 32 310
2013 406 42 364

Continued: Air Quality/Hazards/Recreation

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