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port townsend PROFILE

Port Townsend, Washington is an historic seaport located on Port Townsend Bay with views of the Olympic and Cascade Mountains.

Port Townsend is a registered Victorian Seaport and well known for its maritime activities and Victorian homes and buildings.

Port Townsend, Washington
Crescent Lake near Port Townsend | See more photos!
© iStockPhoto.com/Tashka

For outdoor recreation, any number of water-based pursuits are available. The Olympic, Mount Ranier and Cascade National Parks are only a short drive away.

Among GreatPlacesToRetire.com cities, Port Townsend ranks high in air quality, climate and proximity to nearest large city. Port Townsend ranks low in natural hazards risk and age of population.

For more detailed town facts -- including data on home prices, population demographics, medical care, air quality, water quality and more -- click on the City Report graphic below:

To Port Townsend City Report
To Port Townsend City Report

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