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Part of the Gulf Islands National Seashore, Gulf Shores is known for its rolling sand dunes, snow white beaches and sparkling emerald green water.

This luxury beach resort area of Alabama has been discovered and is experiencing a commercial and residential building boom. The Wharf on Orange Beach is alive with a marina, amphitheater, Ferris wheel and shopping and dining complex.

Gulf Shores, Alabama
USS Alabama stationed in Mobile across the bay from Gulf Shores | See more photos!
© iStockPhoto.com/BergmannD

Championship golf, deep-sea fishing, hiking on winding nature trails and visits to Civil War forts and WW II battleships await visitors and residents alike in Gulf Shores.

Among GreatPlacesToRetire.com cities, Gulf Shores ranks high in taxes, population density and home energy use. Gulf Shores ranks low in demographic diversity and medical care.

For more detailed city facts -- including data on home prices, population demographics, medical care, air quality, water quality and more -- click on the City Report graphic below:

To Gulf Shores City Report
To Gulf Shores City Report

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