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Casper, the second largest city in Wyoming, is located at the base of Casper Mountain along the North Platte river.

With its east central location Casper is the economic, retail and medical care hub for Wyoming.

Fishing and other water-based activities on the North Platte and nearby lakes and skiing at Casper Mountain are just a few of the abundant recreational options.

Casper, Wyoming
Yellowstone River in Wyoming | See more photos!
© iStockPhoto.com/csreed

Among the GreatPlacesToRetire.com survey, Casper ranks high in air quality, natural hazards risk and man-made hazards risk. Casper ranks low in water quality, taxes and proximity to nearest large city.

For more detailed city facts -- including data on home prices, population demographics, medical care, air quality, water quality and more -- click on the City Report graphic below:

To Casper City Report
To Casper City Report

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