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Located in Arizona's high desert, Sedona is a unique place situated at the mouth of Oak Creek Canyon, among spectacular red rock formations and surrounded by 1.8 million acres of the Coconino National Forest.

Established in 1902 and incorporated in 1988, Sedona is a premier tourism, recreation, resort, retirement and art center. It is also a hub for visitors to northern Arizona with the Grand Canyon, Indian ruins, Meteor Crater and Sunset Crater just a day trip away. An estimated 3.5 to 4 million people visit the area annually.

Sedona, Arizona
Uptown Sedona at dusk | See more photos!
© iStockPhoto.com/constantgardener

Sedona sits at approximately 4,200 feet elevation though many of its famous red rock formations extend to over a mile high elevation. Its high desert location affords a mild climate, abundant sunshine and clean air.

Sedona is known for world class resorts, fine restaurants and shops and diverse art galleries. The beauty of the area makes sightseeing, hiking and biking popular. Golf is an almost year-around activity. Sedona is also known for the powerful energy vortexes in the area. Many people believe in the natural healing power present at these sites.

Phoenix, only 115 miles away, offers the big city amenities in health care, entertainment, the arts and air transportation.

Sedona ranks high among GreatPlacesToRetire.com cities in crime, population density, taxes and air quality. Sedona ranks low in natural hazards risk, medical care and age of population.

For more detailed town facts -- including data on home prices, population demographics, medical care, air quality, water quality and more -- click on the City Report graphic below:

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To Sedona City Report

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